Liberty Cafe Ltd de Victoria

CanadaLiberty Cafe Ltd



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708, Douglas Street, V8W 3M6, Victoria, Capital, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 250-383-2213
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4212214, Longitude: -123.3664719

commentaires 5

  • D P

    D P


    Good atmosphere and good coffee, a little pricey.

  • Angela L

    Angela L


    Decent coffee, nice staff, only 4 stars as no one ever seemed to wipe down a table or sweep the floor.

  • Gulshan Manak

    Gulshan Manak


    I love Liberty Cafe Ltd from back in 2013! The main Terminal for Central City Bus Depot is across the street. It's kiddie corner from 'The Old Spaghetti Factory'! I've been regularly in attendance in the past for Meet Ups with Family & Friends! I've been a regular customer & the owner knows my Favorite Hot Drink! I love the selection of Herbal Teas they have @ Liberty Cafe, and offer Free WI-FI! Its a convenient location with close proximity to the Conference Centre & the The Fairmont Empress! They have great selection of Breakfast sandwiches & Food to Take-Out if you're always on the "Go"! I love the Owners & their Family, it is a locally owned Coffee Shop at inexpensive prices! If you're downtown Victoria, and require a Short relaxing Break, they have Free Newspapers & Books to casually Read. Please enjoy your Hot/Cold Drink @ Liberty Cafe Ltd!

  • Joseph Andy

    Joseph Andy


    Location was good. Cafe interior looks decent enough.

  • Travis Lynn

    Travis Lynn


    Maybe we caught this at a less than optimal time. After several trips which resulted in our passing by this place at full capacity, when we showed up on Sunday morning, the place was bare, as were many of the shelves. There was nothing wrong, overall; just nothing to win us over wholeheartedly. We'll probably stop by next time we are in town.

Café la plus proche

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