Lee Valley de Victoria

CanadaLee Valley



🕗 horaire

314, Wale Road, V9B 0J8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-391-9553
site web: www.leevalley.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4462226, Longitude: -123.4695185

commentaires 5

  • en

    Vivian Delaurier


    the best place for garden materials not plants but everything you need to grow them great service also

  • en

    Penny Lopez


    I love receiving their catalog as it keeps me updated on what they carry. Today I hit some garden tools. I could spend lots of time in the store just browsing at all the cool stuff.

  • highway king

    highway king


    Excellent customer service. Very helpful. Love the selection of items and classes offered. Gardening, woodwork, children items, household. One of my family's favorite items is the plastic screw kit to make cardboard sculptures!

  • Blake Buy n'sell

    Blake Buy n'sell


    Lots of fine tools and weird trinkets to be had. Staff are happy and helpful, and the fasteners and hardware are good quality and sometimes even cheaper than stuff you would get from a box store. Best part of the store is the made in Canada Veritas planes and tools of course.

  • Archie



    One of my favorite stores! Great quality.. Great service. Just ordered my mandolin online and picked it up fast 2 hrs later!

Magasin de matériel la plus proche

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