Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium de Regina

CanadaLee Funeral Home and Crematorium



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Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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3101, Dewdney Avenue, S4T 0Y5, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-757-8645
site web: www.dignitymemorial.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4548481, Longitude: -104.6257742

commentaires 4

  • Marshall Brooks

    Marshall Brooks


  • en

    Melanie Fisher


    Terrible...waiting for about 20 minites while me and my family sat there watching two workers running back and forth.. I interupted just to let the gentleman that we wanted service..he thought we were with the two natives that walked in before us...instead of asking he just assumed ..and leaves us sitting there...then few minutes when he was done with his customers,, he asked what we wanted i told him to get our funeral cards made for funeral he said nobody was there on a friday afternoon nor was he calling anybody in for it... We were stunned then i asked if we can see her and with a cold " no!! absolutely not".... He said they wernt set up for that and i told him lee's let us always see our loved one'sThere was no compassion he was very rude to me and my family...to make a long story short... I called spears told them what lee's had said to us and they invited us to come there with in a hr funeral cards were done,,,,, was so greatful to spears and didnt mind giving our money to them.... Great customer service and wow tons of compassion there... Thanks speers for saving the day..

  • Vivian Thompson

    Vivian Thompson


  • Tyler Tocker

    Tyler Tocker


    Let my grandfather rest in peace. Xoxo

Maison funéraire la plus proche

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