LCBO de Toronto




🕗 horaire

2, Cooper Street, M5E 1L7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-864-6777
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6429423, Longitude: -79.3726684

commentaires 5

  • en

    Michael Williamson


    This is the second largest LCBO in Toronto after Summer Hill. They have a very large vintages section and many rotating new releases. If you live closer to this one, it's your best bet for high quality wine.

  • en

    James Gibson


    The Queen's Quay LCBO is the only LCBO to shop at. I must have had 4 associates offer me assistance. And the store had everything I was looking for.

  • Christopher Fulsom

    Christopher Fulsom


    This is the 'Queen's Quay' LCBO. It's huge, and I suspect has the best selection in the city except for the Summerhill location. Area is downtown industrial so is more 'car friendly'. There's also ample free parking. Product consultant staff here are excellent and helpful.

  • Andre O'connor

    Andre O'connor


    This is the place to become educated on your spirits and wine. The staff is wonderful and knowledgeable. They will take the time to understand your pallet for drink. Especially in the Vintages section I suggest you look out for Patti or Brent. Definitely worth the effort and time if you want to understand what you buying and why.

  • Slo Vas

    Slo Vas


    Well stocked, relatively good connected. You can find some rare wines here and also found some international booze here I haven't seen in other stores. However, if you don't live around or not passing by and if you're looking really well stocked LCBO, the one near Summerhill station is still the best one I've ever visited

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