Laurier Coffee & Bakery de Ottawa

CanadaLaurier Coffee & Bakery



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427, Laurier Avenue West, K1R 5C7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-422-7988
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4174115, Longitude: -75.7028053

commentaires 2

  • en

    Paul Michael James


    Cafe Cinn is a coffee and sandwich shop in the Minto Place food court so it's only open during the week to cater to the downtown work crowd. It was taken over again recently by another owner and they have changed the menu alot, for the better in my opinion. Their breakfast sandwich is a great deal. I often have a Kettleman bagel with eggs, bacon and cheese. With a coffee, the combo comes to $4.86 taxes included. The egg is fried in front of you. The coffee is very good. I particularly like the medium roast from Nicaragua called silver city, I think. Silver something anyhow! It's a well balanced coffee. They grind their beans daily. They also offer various pastries and other breakfast options. For lunch, they offer paninis, wraps, Drive Pie pizza pockets, hot-dogs with buns from the Rideau Bakery and a variety of drinks likes shakes and ice cream too. They're often switching things up to better cater to their customers. I had an Italian panini. The meat is warmed up on a hot plate in front of you and then the sandwich is pressed. They seem to use thick cuts of meats as opposed to the usual thin sliced cold cuts. They cut their cold cuts a little thicker which I liked. It comes with a side of Lay's chips. They grill vegetables daily for their sandwiches and wraps like eggplant for example. Overall, for a food court coffee shop, I think they're a great option for the downtown work crowd. The price point is good and they make an effort to constantly improve themselves and offer new products. I go there a couple times a week so they must be doing something right.

  • en

    A Google User


    Their coffee and pastries are so Good

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