Lakehead University de Thunder Bay

CanadaLakehead University


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955, Oliver Road, P7B 5E1, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-343-8110
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4214812, Longitude: -89.2618968

commentaires 5

  • Adam J

    Adam J


    Beautiful campus with options for unique programs not offered at other universities. Campus is small.

  • Seema Mehta

    Seema Mehta


    Lakehead University is a beautiful campus.School layout is great. Staff is amazing and friendly.

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    Jen Davis


    Lakehead University is "Exceptional Unconventional" in the sense that they don't do ANYTHING in the manner that it should be done. Cheating is ignored at Lakehead, I have heard of many students being caught on exams and faced NO PUNISHMENT AT ALL! One prof even told me that his Dean said to make sure to keep students here so the university can get the tuition money. The university does not have enough resources or quality professors to run some of it programs, example Civil Engineering. If you read this please listen and go to a different university where you can get an education you can be proud of.

  • Cassandra Jolicoeur

    Cassandra Jolicoeur


    Beautiful campus and great coffee lounge on sight in The Study. Professors are very friendly and professional. Note: Lots of construction on campus for renovations.

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    Clinton John James


    Spent some time on the campus over the past few summers. Excellent location and facilities. The university has made it a priority to engage and promote the needs and strengths of the First Nation communities in the Northwestern part of the province of Ontario. This goes a long way to opening the eyes and minds of those who attend Lakehead University.

Université la plus proche

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