Kings Links Golf Course By The Sea de Delta

CanadaKings Links Golf Course By The Sea


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3388, 72 Street, V4K 3N2, Delta, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-952-0999
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.0645983, Longitude: -123.0224457

commentaires 5

  • Leo Liu

    Leo Liu


    Some of the most challenging holes in the GVRD are here! Played here a dozen times over the past 5 years. Summer time is usually great but it can get really muddy in April and October, especially if you are not able to stay on the fairway. Good practicing course with a variety of holes, then add wind!! You have to be quite a player and learn course management if you want to break 80 here!

  • en

    Chris Durec


    Great course, greens were top notch for this time of year, super fast!

  • Marc Monforton

    Marc Monforton


    Love this course. Proshop guys and gals are very friendly, course is usually always dry. Can play a little slow but not like years past. They have gotten rid of alot of the fescue so the course is more playable for your weekend golfer. Greens are always in good shape. Big bonus, I got my first ever hole in one here on 13.

  • Adrianne Jansen Haynes

    Adrianne Jansen Haynes


    Great food. The grounds are super for golfing. Bathroom very clean and modern. Staff very helpful. Won't be disappointed. Sorry my photo is of the bathrooms as that tells me a lot about the place. 5 thumbs up for me.

  • John Temple

    John Temple


    The golf is excellent and the course stays in great shape Feb thru Nov. Great staff in the club house and a decent menu. And fresh Four Winds IPA on tap is the 5th star! Keep up the excellent work!

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