Kildonan Pets de Winnipeg

CanadaKildonan Pets



🕗 horaire

301, Bowman Avenue, R2K 1P3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-668-7055
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9171133, Longitude: -97.1081732

commentaires 5

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    Peter Kubrakovich


    Quality healthy fish at very reasonable rates. Knowledgeable advice and courteous. One of the best in town.

  • Brad Parker

    Brad Parker


    Apparently, if you want anything smaller than 10 gallons, you're not worth talking to, even when you have two little 4 year olds looking for the a new home for their fish with you. Move along to the next local pet store, this guy isn't too friendly... I also just did some price comparison shopping: Same tanks (brands, sizes and all) for more than 20% less at big box stores. Bad attitude and high prices means, steer clear

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    Bob Selkirk


    Super clean tanks, prices are awesome and the service can't be beat.

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    Carman Williamson


    Small reasonably priced place. Owner says he gets fish in a couple times per week and orders go fast. Not alot of larger fish or cichlids

  • Ryan Meade

    Ryan Meade


    Great local fish store. Was really missing a local fish dedicated shop since we moved from Ontario to Winnipeg, this place kills it!

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