KFC de High Level




🕗 horaire

10311, 69 Street, T0H 1Z0, High Level, Division No. 17, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 780-926-3181
site web: www.kfc.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 58.5199669, Longitude: -117.1298673

commentaires 5

  • Sebastian_the_nerd



    It's a good place to eat alone or with friends, The service is alright and the food is delicious. Definitely worth the wait.

  • Trevor Squires

    Trevor Squires


    Average fair. Expensive, try and hit on busy times to get freshest fried foods.

  • en

    Randle Metacat


    The Big Crunch is 10/10 but the zinger is 11/10

  • Kristen Mattson

    Kristen Mattson


    Meh. Good food. Same as any kfc ive been to.

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    Josiah Wolfe


    They went an entire month without spicy sauce for their sandwiches. very disappointing.

Restaurant la plus proche

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