Kebab Houzz de Fort McMurray

CanadaKebab Houzz



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9906b, Franklin Avenue, T9H 2K5, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-750-4040
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.727043, Longitude: -111.3793975

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jeff Massan


    Very tasty food!! Everything was so fresh!! All homemade except for fries. And the portions were huge!!! One portion could easily feed two people. And like i said everything was delicious.

  • en

    Hamdi Shanab


    Great food great service not to expensive

  • en

    Rahul Sharma


    Excellent Kebabs. The owner/Chef will make sure that you like the food and will help you make the right choice if you don't know what to order.

  • Bee mirza

    Bee mirza


    New improved quality delicious food good customer service, try chicken sandwich and fries I love it so delicious - just call order your meal and pick in 15 minutes - Halal meat shewarma and other arabic cousin available st heart of fort Mcmurray downtown. It makes my life easier when no time for cook just simply order food here and enjoy the taste of delicious food. Take out and dine in - must try- free parking. Specially when you tired with junk food/meal try this healthy and fresh cooked cousin / shewarma /sandwiches and much more

  • Ramaisha Chaudhry

    Ramaisha Chaudhry


    This place has awesome food we tried the kebab’s and the flavour was to die for. The bbq pizza was also very flavourfull. Definitely a recommmend in this small town.

Restaurant la plus proche

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