Jz’s Pizza de Toronto

CanadaJz’s Pizza



🕗 horaire

232, Wellington Street West, M5V 3W1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 647-347-2727
site web: www.jzspizza.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6453282, Longitude: -79.3897511

commentaires 5

  • en

    Martin Rosewall


    Great pizza place round the corner from my digs. Nice people and friendly customers too!

  • en

    Pouya Haghshenas


    This restaurant is on the list of my top 3 restaurants in downtown Toronto. The staff is super friendly, and all the food on their menu is amazing, different and very tasty!! In addition, you cannot die without trying the lasagna, wings (unbelievable), pesto-alfredo chicken mushroom pasta and almost every other item here. Oh and make sure you try their new Paradiso desert.

  • en

    sean gill


    Nothing special about the pizza other than maybe the oven? Sauce, cheese and toppings were pretty meh. And the price for a tiny pizza blew my mind and the more I ate, the more disappointed I became with myself for paying that much. Saving grace is the staff; they're pretty cool. The decor is kinda nice too, restaurant is small though.

  • Leonardo Alfaro

    Leonardo Alfaro


    Buen lugar

  • Josep Herrero

    Josep Herrero


    Un local sin pretensiones con comida y bebida a buen precio. Camarero muy agradable y servicial. Que nadie espere una pizza italiana, es una pizza de fast food, pero a ese precio en Toronto, no se puede pedir mas!

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