JYSK de Brampton




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150 West Drive Hwy, Brampton, ON L6T 4P9, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-451-9054
site web: www.jysk.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.7062246, Longitude: -79.7344726

commentaires 5

  • en

    Monica Nayar


    I'll often go in here looking for something that isn't available at this location.

  • Ellen Aldajuste

    Ellen Aldajuste


    Went to this location to purchase a desk that I found on the website listed as "in stock". The desk was in stock, but the store associate said they are unable to get me one because there is no warehouse worker to get the product. There is no point in carrying a product and listing it on your website as in stock if you can't provide it to your customers. It wasa frustrating experience, because I had to drive to another store to pick one up.

  • OfficialG Tui

    OfficialG Tui


    Smaller location yet still have most items on shelves. Worth visiting if you do your errands. This place is located on 410 @ 7.

  • en

    Lisa Prescott


    both the manger and assistant manager were wonderful to deal with. There customer service exceeded my expectation. They have a wonderful team. Keep up the good work. The cashier that cash me out was very personable and helpful.

  • Nabeel Rajput

    Nabeel Rajput


    I bought a few things here last week, not satisfied and wouldn't recommend this store to anyone. Let me just say, I would've given this place three stars but when I went to cash out, two out of my 5 items came up for a higher than advertised price. Then, the first rep was rude in making the adjustment, even though I waited patiently as she cashed out everyone in behind me in line (6 people). She had to call her manager for every thing rather than just adjusting the price to the TAG (proof) which I brought to her not once, but twice. By the fourth person BEHIND me in line, she said she'd take me next and I had decided it's fine at this point, I'll wait. Finally, a second rep was called to cash (after 20 mins) and she sent me over to her, but the second rep was actually pleasant to deal with. 1/5

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