JYSK de Winnipeg




🕗 horaire

1320, Ellice Avenue, R3G 0E9, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-954-9710
site web: www.jysk.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8931503, Longitude: -97.1940723

commentaires 5

  • Hunter Hopko

    Hunter Hopko


    Great manager and wonderful staff willing to help

  • en

    Mr. tj333


    They have a decent selection of plastic bins, one of the few places to have 10 inch bins as long as I was looking for.

  • en

    B Nicolson


    Very disappointed. Drove almost an hour to shop at jysk for specific items only to find they are temporarily closed. A website is a very handy tool that can provide your customers with this type of important information!!

  • Patti CorsoDriedger

    Patti CorsoDriedger


    Decent variety of bedding, towels and mattress, low to mid price range. Staff is friendly and helpful. Some neat accent items, worth it to check out what they have.

  • Fry Haroon

    Fry Haroon


    If you need furniture, this is the place to go. Their prices are AMAZING. We bought like 3 beds from here, mattresses, and all kinds of goodies to lay on. The staff are incredible people, they're always very helpful and try to safe you money. One of them saved us like 40% on an item by checking when it would go on sale and we waited like a couple days and got the thing at an extremely reasonable price. I love this place, highly recommend it.

Magasin de meubles la plus proche

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