Justina M. Barnicke Gallery de Toronto

CanadaJustina M. Barnicke Gallery



🕗 horaire

7, Hart House Circle, M5S 3H3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-978-8398
site web: artmuseum.utoronto.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.663781, Longitude: -79.395039

commentaires 4




    The Justina M. Barnicke Gallery is the smaller one out of the two (2) Art Galleries at the University Of Toronto and this collection was mainly shown through a projector on various walls. It was Not what I am used to seeing, but I am sure it fits for some people's taste. I want to personally Thank the staff at the University Of Toronto and the artist for hosting and showing the very nice Art Display on the walls that I saw back on Thursday, January 18, 2018. Sincerely yours, Howard Paul Shore Visitor Executive, Volunteer Writer For Google And Tripadvisor Websites /HPS

  • Jiaqing Pan

    Jiaqing Pan


    The Justina M. Barnicke is a continuation of University of Toronto's Art Museum. The gallery showcases mainly contemporary art from both local and international artists. Featured exhibits rotate about every six weeks. The gallery is just two rooms, but is only steps away from the larger half of the gallery, the University of Toronto Art Centre . 贾斯蒂娜 · M · 巴尼克画廊是多伦多大学艺术博物馆的延续。 画廊主要展示当地和国际艺术家的当代艺术。 画廊只是两个房间,距离多伦多大学艺术中心只有几步之遥。

  • Natalia Svechnikova

    Natalia Svechnikova


  • Zu Nobi

    Zu Nobi


    It's a small gallery but definitely worth a visit. Would be nice if the staff were a bit more welcoming, but i take it they don't get many visitors

Galerie d'art la plus proche

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