Just For You Day Spa & Gift Studio w Saskatoon

KanadaJust For You Day Spa & Gift Studio



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2414, 8 Street East, S7H 0V6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 306-955-7546
strona internetowej: www.justforyoudayspa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.1139119, Longitude: -106.6187799

komentarze 5

  • Carma Daria Companiona

    Carma Daria Companiona


    I think that the building and the inside and the outside are really quite nice I could see that a lot of thought and effort we're put into creating an interesting experience unfortunately there isn't a sauna or a set of showers that people can access while using spa services and I have used spa services at other places in the past and there has always been access to both of those I found the staff to be reasonably friendly and nice and confident so I have no no beef whatsoever with the staff my beef primarily was with the was it was with the service that I received and that's all we had asked for a couples massage thinking that it would be relaxing and then be something special in the fact that we were getting a couples massage instead of massages but instead it was that was not the case we are just getting massages side-by-side and neither of us found our massages to be relaxing. Once we left the spot we didn't feel like we had any kind of relaxing experience when we were there I don't say this to criticize the staff at all it's just that we had a different set of expectations

  • en

    Rees Davies


    Great staff. Great service. Best place in town

  • en

    Clifford Wiegers


    Jess and her team create great overall experience to all of their clients-I highly recommend their services and products to anyone-they also do a great job of helping make a difference in our community 😎😎😎

  • Anna Kunz

    Anna Kunz


    Just visited their location on 33rd and Quebec and had an amazing pedicure and facial by Leslie! The spa is beautiful and the staff is so friendly! Congrats!

  • en

    Greg Clee


    Staff very friendly. Guys if you want bonus points with loved one go here. Exveptional service

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