John's Place Restaurant de Victoria

CanadaJohn's Place Restaurant



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723, Pandora Avenue, V8W 1N8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-389-0711
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4278539, Longitude: -123.3637646

commentaires 5

  • Johnson Smithson

    Johnson Smithson


    Food was good and service was fair. Older lady waiting our table got a little abrasive when asked for anything. She said we should track down someone else because it's their job not hers, but whenever called for someone only she came. Maybe they need a little training session or something. Either way every experience there is a happy one and the place is always packed but manages to get food out in an orderly manner with good quality.

  • en

    Anne Chorneyko


    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE JOHN'S PLACE - Food is delicious, decor is ecclesiastical, service is exceptional, prices are very reasonable, coffee is good. This is always a busy place, be prepared to wait to be seated. Plus, there is a possibility that you could be seated at what I like to call the "community" table with folks you don't know. It's a marvelous way to meet new people or at least listen in on interesting conversations. Many famous folks have dined here. Just to view the signed photo's that are plastered on the walls, makes this a worthwhile place to have your breakfast. But...the breakfast dishes here are exceptional. I've eaten here w family, friend's (sometimes stranger's)- the food is exceptionally tasty & plentiful. THIS IS A GREAT PLACE TO START YOUR DAY WHEN YOU ARE IN VICTORIA.

  • S. Que

    S. Que


    Holy! We waited about 20 minutes for a table and then maybe 30 minutes for our food but it was SO WORTH IT! The food was amazing! The cream cheese syrup - to die for! The Polish Scramble - not weird. So tasty. Who would have thought mixing eggs and perogies together would be so good?!? Highly recommend anyone coming to Victoria to try this place out. Just be aware ... Saturday's & Sunday's you are going to wait.

  • Beckett Chung

    Beckett Chung


    Nice serve on a Monday morning. Food came fast which was great. Coffee was terrible but free refills. Food was pretty good with big servings. I had Catch 22 (one waffle and one regular eggs Benny). Hollandaise sauce was a little too buttery and not tangy enough. They make their own maple cream syrup which is great but also super rich.

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    Emily W


    Definitely good, just not over the top. Smells like the place needs a good clean. There’s a table where employees sit and sometimes they don’t realize you’re waiting. I’ve had to, on more ham one occasion, get up and ask for my check, and they kind of just brushed me off. Finally got the check a few minutes later. Eggs Benny is heavy, and their breakfast potatoes aren’t amazing... just seasoned with seasoning salt. Best part of my experience was the Busser! He definitely deserves a promotion!

Restaurant la plus proche

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