JOEY Polo Park de Winnipeg

CanadaJOEY Polo Park



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635, Saint James Street, R3G 3R4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-339-5639
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.881601, Longitude: -97.201184

commentaires 5

  • en

    Krista Ginter


    Wonderful food and atmosphere. Very friendly staff. They make the best lettuce wraps hands down! Thank you for a wonderful birthday celebration!

  • Chris Laubenstein

    Chris Laubenstein


    Hit up the patio it is very nice. Service is consistent. Treats are tasty.

  • en

    Mark Petrasanta


    Good atmosphere. Good food. This is a model all Resteraunts should take the cues from. Service is spot on and attentive. Overall maintenance and state of repair is quite good. Very difficult to find faults and critical feedback. Would most definitely return, as i have multiple times.

  • en

    Glenn Howard


    We were in Winnipeg competing in the Grand Slam of curling this weekend. We went to Joeys on Thursday night and the food and service was so good we went back on Friday night. Not sure how you did it but the service was even better. Unfortunately I didn’t get names but the hostess was very accommodating to get us a table, the male bartender went out of his way to get us a seat before getting the table and our server was excellent. I do want to make a special mention to another “hostess” (sorry don’t have her name either). She went above and beyond to make us comfortable and to get us everything we needed. She even bought us our first round as we were understanding. Unbelievable! Her knowledge of craft beer was impressive. Oh ya .... and the food was amazing! Thanks for an exceptional dining experience. We will be back! Glenn Howard

  • Glenda Penner

    Glenda Penner


    Awful experience there at lunch today. Got there at ten after 12:00, and didn't start getting our food until 12:50.. We ordered 2 soups, a side of crispy mashed potatoes and a chicken burger. We also didn't even get one of the soups. Ridiculous. Manager took care of everything and asked if we wanted anything else. I said it was my birthday and perhaps a dessert to go? An experienced manager would have suggested a gift card and made me aware the dessert would take over 10 minutes to prepare.. we ended up leaving without it. Such a disappointment. Worst birthday lunch ever.

Restaurant la plus proche

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