Joe's Body Shop de Sudbury

CanadaJoe's Body Shop



🕗 horaire

1210, Notre Dame Avenue, P3A 2T8, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-670-0964
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5234869, Longitude: -80.982603

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ernie Miller


    Great and very reasonable .

  • en

    SteveSr Bebonang


    The wife n i just recently purchased a vehicle off of him for the fam and are. Quit pleased with the purchase, and w/ the service upon it very friendly has also saved us alot of hassel of erand running,and most of all reasons has put an ease on our son's hockey season of game travellin. Thanks Joe. So with dat I rate that w/ a 4⭐

  • Brydon Deforge

    Brydon Deforge


    Joe has done SEVERAL jobs for me. Awesome guy..Awesome work !!

  • Craig Pakkala

    Craig Pakkala


    Touched up an area on our tri-coat paint, perfect job and better rate than other places. They used high quality fiberglass filler to do a small repair. Excellent job and very impressed.

  • en

    Adnan Dimassi


    Goes above and beyond, rates are cheap as heck, cheapest in the city, quality of work unrivalled even when including Toronto. Go anywhere else and you will be swindled

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