JJ Bean Coffee Roasters de Vancouver

CanadaJJ Bean Coffee Roasters



🕗 horaire

3010, Main Street, V5T 3G5, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 604-879-2326
site web: jjbeancoffee.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.258272, Longitude: -123.1008999

commentaires 5

  • Cathy Li

    Cathy Li


    Very nice coffee place with outdoor seating. Very simplistic design and massive pastries. A nice little fire place for the coziness for chatting.

  • Rodrigo Bastias

    Rodrigo Bastias


    Great location and amazing layout of the store. However it is pricy and just in front of another coffee store with cheaper products. When I came in today they were out of all my 3 requests. Before 10am they were out of bakery. Rally disappointed

  • Lanei L

    Lanei L


    busy cafe but has good wifi. Recommend trying their daily baked muffins. good coffee taste too

  • en



    My favourite place to buy coffee beans. They always have new and interesting single origin and espresso beans. The crispy oatmeal cookie is crazy good too.

  • en

    B Ch


    Very cozy place I ordered a hot chocolate and it was made to perfection. The only problem is the place is a little worn down. It could use some basic maintenance , for example , tables need tightening so they don't rock back and forth. Also when you walk out the side door there's a huge drop to the pavement outside, which I sprained my ankle on. The staff were very friendly and very cooperative and like I said my hot chocolate was made to perfection I would definitely recommend this place it was a great experience except for the few problems that I mentioned.

Café la plus proche

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