Jiffy Lube de Ottawa

CanadaJiffy Lube



🕗 horaire

1533, Merivale Road, K2E 5P3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-723-7999
site web: www.jiffylubeontario.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3564234, Longitude: -75.7362686

commentaires 5

  • en

    R Madore


    Stopped in for etest and was in immediately and done before I could hook to free wifi, which for me is awsome. I went directly to license buerou and they had received everything quickly. Fast friendly and exactly what I needed.

  • en

    Nicole C


    Great service friendly quick and great prices

  • en



    Pulled right in, didn't have to wait. They had the service done and the car back to me in no time.

  • Rebecca Happy

    Rebecca Happy


    excellent service today from Brandon. Dropped in for a very over due oil change. Every step of the way Brandon communuated needs and choices as well as soon to be needed services. Very relieved to have this off my list. Will go again... I am already a repeat customer.

  • Ramy Al Adle

    Ramy Al Adle


    Been to other Jiffy Lube locations that provide better service. I had to ask for the result of checking the air filters, transmission fluids, etc. Not bad service but could be better like the others.

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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