J.French Beauty and Spa de Toronto

CanadaJ.French Beauty and Spa



🕗 horaire

113, Yorkville Avenue, M5R 1C1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-551-5512
site web: www.jfrenchbeauty.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6706285, Longitude: -79.3926029

commentaires 5

  • Sammie Sea

    Sammie Sea


    Jennifer is highly professional and her work is quality. She takes extra care of clients and checks in throughout the lazer process to ensure your comfort. Highly recommend her.

  • Pam Aggelakos

    Pam Aggelakos


    This little spa in Yorkdale is well priced and clean. The owner Jennifer does excellent work. I highly recommend it.

  • Erika Moncada

    Erika Moncada


    So happy I found this place after such a terrible waxing experience at the place I used to go to. Jennifer was amazing, detailed, quick and careful. I purchased the 5 waxes package after my first experience. Very happy customer :)

  • bgjergji



    Jennifer is the best, most professional person I have ever encountered in the aesthetics profession. I’m have never had such detailed, pain free, effortless wax before. Jennifer’s prices are very reasonable and competitive. I originally purchased a groupon and have now paid in full for the year. I would highly recommend J French Beauty and Jennifer’s service. Without hesitation.

  • en

    Linh Hoang


    I was first introduced to J French Spa through a Groupon for Brazilian wax, and I've been a regular customer every since! Jennifer's spa is so clean and her service is exceptional! In winter she provides a heating pad on the waxing/massaging station - talk about comfort! She often has special deals, so be sure to check it out :) I've raved about her spa to my friends and will continue to do so. Love you Jen!

SPA la plus proche

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