Jackson & Barnard Funeral Home de Sudbury

CanadaJackson & Barnard Funeral Home


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

233, Larch Street, P3B 1M2, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 705-673-3611
site web: www.lougheedfuneralhomes.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.4910645, Longitude: -80.988665

commentaires 4

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    Ajai Kudari


    The price was explained well in advance, so no surprises. And it was well worth it to take that burden off my shoulders. These guys provide the benefit of piece of mind, and convenience to know you haven't missed anything while you're going through the emotions of losing your mom. As far as a funeral service, they are top notch. Along with the church we used - whom they already had good relations with.

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    Lynn Dupuis


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    Jon S


    Bare basic arrangements - $3000.00. Was told I had three month to pay, received 4 invoices in the span of 2 months. I would probably look elsewhere and find something that isn't as much of a rip off for a barebones package.

  • Essie



    Very professional and clean and empathetic

Maison funéraire la plus proche

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