Isabel Laundromat de Winnipeg

CanadaIsabel Laundromat



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187, Isabel Street, R3A 1G8, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 204-504-2999
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.903393, Longitude: -97.147997

commentaires 5

  • en

    Tom Walls


    The price for the most washers are half, 1.75 before 12 afternoon which is great deal! The place is also super clean.

  • en

    Miguel Zuniga


    Fast and chip. Love it.

  • Arnold Stoffer

    Arnold Stoffer


    The only positive thing about this place is it is clean ... as for service ... there are 2 noticeable scams posted in this business ... both of which soak you for an extra $.25 ea. 1. 2 prices on the washers $2.75 & $3.00 yet you put in $3 and there is no way to trigger the super load option 2. The dryer sheets on sale for. $.25 ea or 3 for $1.00.

  • en

    Alireza Kasirloo


    I would never guess that there's a clean laundromat in that area! The guy is also friendly and he's always ready to give a help when you don't know what to do...especially with the dryer. They are old but oh god super hot! And they also have a big washers that I fit two large blanket in it

  • en

    Lee-ann Cross


    I went there to do laundry for the first time and as soon as me and my grandma walked in the door, the guy working there was rushing us and following us around. Telling us where our stuff should be. He kept bugging us so we left after 10 minutes. It wasnt even busy there were a few people. Im not surprised it was pretty much empty, i wouldnt go back if you had that smelly guy bugging you the whole time. It seemed like he wanted to hurry up and get rid of us. Not sure if its a race thing, but im never going there again it was a horrible experience.

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