iPrint Express de Vaughan

CanadaiPrint Express



🕗 horaire

147, Citation Drive, L4K 2P8, Vaughan, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-260-2226
site web: www.liquorlabels.net
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8246372, Longitude: -79.4859905

commentaires 4

  • Alex G

    Alex G


    That's a shame I didn't check everything when I was still there. He ruined front pages of our wedding invites by printing the wrong the wrong letters on them (even though I gave him the template).

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    margarita tsyganok


    Great place. Fast and amazing quality work.

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    Joey Bou-Daher


    This place is a joke!!! I brought the store owner a custom key that I had purchased online. He ended up damaging the custom key and my master key. He wouldn't apologize or even refund back my money. He handed me back two generic keys that don't even work properly. Places like this shouldn't be allowed to do business in our city.

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    If you're unfortunate enough to have your package dropped off here by a courier, good luck getting your package. The store owner is too lazy and unorganized to actually help you.

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