Indigo de Toronto




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44, Charles Street West, M4Y 1R7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-925-3536
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6690328, Longitude: -79.3888609

commentaires 5

  • A Medeiros

    A Medeiros


    Under renovations but still a good store. Super friendly customer service, a Starbucks, and a good seating area. Still very organized despite the construction.

  • Michael Zavarella

    Michael Zavarella


    As a top Realtor in Yorkville I need places I can trust for family, friends and clients. I need places I can refer people to or send people to as a closing gifts. This is one of those places. Wonderful staff. Top quality. They show pride in all the do. Will continue to support for years to come. Highly recommend. -Michael Zavarella

  • Luke Maynard

    Luke Maynard


    As far as big chain bookstores go, this one's as good as they come. Kind staff and great atmosphere, though there's never never never enough seating in the onboard Starbucks. Expect big construction through spring 2018 to make it a bit cramped, but it'll be even more beautiful after. It's technically wheelchair accessible, but currently a royal pain to access both floors by wheelchair. Hopefully with the renovations that will be changing soon.

  • Maria Yasnitsky

    Maria Yasnitsky


    Amazing location. Connected to the PATH. The store is 3 floors high. Staff are always around if you need assistance. Starbucks on the third floor. Large and clean. Bathroom located in the bottom back corner of the store near the kids section.

  • grave yard

    grave yard


    Probably one of my favourite Indigos in the city also I heard it was Canada’s biggest bookstore? Hopefully that isn’t true because it would be weird. You can get probably whatever book you’re looking for and there is also a Starbucks and an extensive children’s section. Generally short queue times and pleasant staff, steer clear during the holidays and remember to exit back onto the street (rather than into the path) to avoid getting lost and perhaps dismembered.

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