Ideal Body Medical Hammam, Facial Spa - Rajeunissement Esthétique Anti Age de Montréal

CanadaIdeal Body Medical Hammam, Facial Spa - Rajeunissement Esthétique Anti Age



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5500 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H1N 5L5, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-998-0998
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.571145, Longitude: -73.549396

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sandrine Mercier


    I really don't recommand this place. Please don't go there. They are not professionals, I waited 2 hrs to have my consultation. They say contradictory informations and they always change their speach. At first they told I the treatment lasts 1 years, and after less than 3 months. They try to sell always more expensive treatments. The consultation rooms are dirty and the syringes/products boxes are all messy (I don't think it's a good way to store them....). They dont speak French, they have absolutly no client service approach. I waited 10 mins in front of the secretary desk, she wasn't looking at me and said me nothing and I was standing there like a clown for a long time. When I asked questions about the treatment to Veronica she was looking at her watch and seemed pissed off. She told things in Russian not understandable.The doctor insulted the client before me and his secretary he told they were stupid. He also told that my doctor wasn't competent because of my medical prescriptions (turns out my doctor is the minister of health... So much more competent than him). I loose my time and money and my peace of mind. The low prices don't worth the risk for your health. They are not honest people.

  • en

    Keruz Archambault


    Botox, restylane, juvederm fillers and injections for facial treatments. Here is the best place.

  • en

    Altyn Ushmekova


    ve heard about this place from my friend who did full year of laser hair removal and was really happy with the results ! So, i bought a package, got 3 parts and they give me an amazing special. After a while, i decided to try some facial treatments and was really amazed with the results. My face became very clear and I can even feel thay my pores can breath now. Overall, i certainly recommend this place!!!

  • Nicole Picard

    Nicole Picard


    I've done 3 Fractional Laser procedures in ideal body clinic on St-Leonard Ideal Body Clinic location so far, 1 year apart. I used to have very deep acne scars and they improved amazingly! Great rejuvenation result and even, glowing skin. Great alternative to deep chemical peels. I prefer to do it in winter, you should try to avoid sun first couple of days...

  • Maria Da Silva

    Maria Da Silva


    Wow! To me microdermabrasion is a terrific way to rejuvenate the skin. It could really help as my skin has just started to feel dull and I’m noticing the pores getting larger and not going away. I had a series of sessions with microdermabrasion and found it to be not only relaxing but effective. It felt like the technician was running a sticky lint roller over my face. Left my skin looking clear and healthy. Terrific results!! Excellent procedure. My Skin is so soft. Tara Hepler performed the procedure. I Couldn't be happier. I Would recommend this procedure to anyone who wants younger looking skin. The results were beyond my wildest expectations and I look forward to having it done again in the future.

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