Hotel Universel Montreal de Montréal

CanadaHotel Universel Montreal


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5000, Rue Sherbrooke Est, H1V 1A1, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 514-253-3365
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5656839, Longitude: -73.5529143

commentaires 5

  • Cait Ashleigh

    Cait Ashleigh


    I had the luxury of having the premium suite for my wedding day prep. The rooms were absolutely stunning and clean. I was so stressed with the wedding and this was just so relaxing knowing I had no problem with the hotel. Thank you to the staff who took care of us during the stay. As well as the little restaurant! Amazing food!

  • fr

    Anais Gafarou


    TrĂšs facile d'accĂšs en voiture. Il faut compter une bonne marche pour s'y rendre en transport en commun. L'Ă©tablissement offre la possibilitĂ© de louer des salles de fĂȘte ou salle de confĂ©rence. DĂ©corĂ© avec bon goĂ»t style trĂšs classe et propre.

  • Allan Laevens

    Allan Laevens


    Very clean hotel and friendly and helpful staff. Very accommodating to the needs of myself and our team. Spacious rooms, modern and good location. Accessible to a lot nearby if you are staying for work with many amenities within 15 minute drive or less.

  • Sarah Slater

    Sarah Slater


    The hotel was very nice. We stayed for NYE and there was a big party. The concierge was very nice and allowed us to park inside because there was no parking outside as all the party guests had invaded. The room was clean and warm. My only issue was that the doors are rather thin and you can hear anyone in the hall. Overall a great stay and we will be staying again in the future.

  • Scott Perrie

    Scott Perrie


    Rooms were well equipped, but slightly dated. The beds were extremely comfortable as were the pillows. Decent location if you have a car, they provide parking on site. Pool, fitness center, business center, etc. Lots of amenities here. A good place for families. The downside: the rooms are not well insulated from noise or cold drafty weather.

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