Hotel Manoir Charest de Québec

CanadaHotel Manoir Charest


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448, Rue Dorchester, G1K 6B1, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-647-9320
site web:
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Latitude: 46.8131042, Longitude: -71.2261033

commentaires 5

  • fr



    Chambre tres vieilles... ventilateur au plafond qui tien par de la ficelle... chambre BEAUCOUP trop cher pour la qualité que c est.... ps ne regardez pas sous le lit. Les boules de pousieres roulent lol

  • en

    Lisa Lin


    Avoid at any price. Horrible place. Still the location is good for tourism BUT!!! The lock and window are getting to be broken. Blankets are old and dirty.

  • Maxime Luypaert

    Maxime Luypaert


    Pas le grand luxe, un peu bruyant route trÚs passante et chambre mal isolée du couloir. Mais pour une étape le prix reste trÚs correcte et la chambre propre. Pour un séjour long il n'y a pas de service de chambre et la salle petit déjeuner et minuscule .

  • en

    John Doe


    "Over booked" our room meaning we were sent to another hotel for the second night of our two night reservation. Straight garbage place.

  • en

    Megan Levy


    Of all my worldly travels this is the worst B&B/Hotel we have stayed in. The towels and the bedding were thin and frayed, supplied one small piece of soap and a third of a roll of toilet paper. No fire alarm, drapes and blinds were crooked, very thin mattress, the side chair was filthy dirty and stained, bad location overall. If it had not been pre paid we would've walked, to add insult to injury they charged us 15$ a day to park our car on a dirt lot. Our one positive comment is that we didn't book for 3 nights. - Chris from Ontario

Lodging la plus proche

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