HomeSense de Ajax




🕗 horaire

125, Harwood Avenue North, L1Z 1E9, Ajax, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-426-5659
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8630504, Longitude: -79.0254307

commentaires 5

  • en

    Suzette Chambers


    Love shopping at Homesense

  • en

    Nasir Ghani


    I would not buy furniture or anything else From anywhere else, but this homsense. Amazing staff, great service . Anna the manager is amazing she is always willing to help her customers ! They have new product I don’t care what anyone says they beat Leon’s or brick or any furniture store!! Best product, price and service ever!

  • Happy Harry

    Happy Harry


    Good staff, good prices. It's a discount store, so as is the case with deep discount stores, the selection varies. For those complaining about the selection, a department store may be a better choice for you.

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    Matt Stewart


    Shopped for housewarming gifts. Great finds at a good price.

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    Sylvia Pond


    It is my most favourite store. Always an adventure. I always find something at the store to make my home more comfy

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