Holistic Roots Massage Therapy and Wellness de Ottawa

CanadaHolistic Roots Massage Therapy and Wellness


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475, Cambridge Street South, K1S 4H6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-859-5056
site web: www.holisticroots.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4027571, Longitude: -75.7020517

commentaires 5

  • Valerie Laba

    Valerie Laba


    Fantastic massages! My husband and I love it here!

  • Jennifer V

    Jennifer V


    Recommendation: Elizabeth is an excellent massage therapy pro. The therapeutic work I've received from her has been effective, while we often get a bit of relaxation in too. If you want to splurge, her scalp and face massage treatment is heavenly!

  • Laura McKinley

    Laura McKinley


    My overall experience here has been good. The physiotherapy has really helped with my shoulder injury. The only thing I don't like is that the phone is never answered when I've called.

  • Engelina Schmitz

    Engelina Schmitz


    Very impressed with the massage therapy clinic at Holistic Roots. I always feel so comfortable and informed during the session and very refreshed after. Christal is accommodating, professional and caring. Great experience all around!

  • Joyce Chamas

    Joyce Chamas


    I go to this place specifically because of my massage therapist who works out of there. However in comparison to other places it's definitely not the best. It's extremely clean and nicely decorated. They do offer physiotherapy as well. They don't do direct billing, there's no dedicated receptionist, & parking is on the street so you have to be careful. My massage therapist, Tomoko Honda, is terrific though so I really don't mind going anywhere she is!

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