Holiday Inn Winnipeg-South de Winnipeg

CanadaHoliday Inn Winnipeg-South



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
1330, Pembina Highway, R3T 2B4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-452-4747
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8407354, Longitude: -97.1521526

commentaires 5

  • Grim Reefer

    Grim Reefer


    Nice facility. Clean, spacious rooms with very comfortable beds. The pool area looks dated but the whirlpool was relaxing. I would appreciate if it was more accommodating to medical cannabis users, though

  • Terrence Huebner

    Terrence Huebner


    It's an older building but has been modernized well enough that you can barely tell. The internet works very well, unless you like to watch YouTube on your phone... That's blocked... The on site restaurant is pretty good...

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    Edward Leclerc


    Newly renovated. Lobby open bright atmosphere. Comfortable rooms. Wide variety on their menu. Prices are a little over priced especially their burgers. In their defense a very good tasting burger . Parking is Ok!. On a scale of 1-10 . I give them a 7

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    Courtney Patterson


    I stayed at this hotel during a work conference, with a group of my colleagues. I checked out of the hotel, attended my meetings throughout the day and realized that I accidentally forgot my textbook in my room before checking out (I realize this is my fault, and not the fault of the hotel's) and I called to see if it was turned in to their lost and found so I could come pick it up. I was told that they did not have my book (I am 100% sure I left it in the room, on the bed) but they would check the room again and call me back. They called me back and informed me they still could not find my book, but their GM would reimburse me for the cost of it. This was unexpected, but appreciated, but did not solve the problem that I knew my textbook was in the room and I needed it to complete homework for the week). A few minutes later, the GM phones me and essentially lectures me on how most people who "lose" things actually packed them in their bags and just aren't finding them. I let him know that I ripped apart my bags twice and guaranteed it was not there. He said there was nothing he could do until I was home and confirmed this. Frustrated, I hung up, but accepted that ultimately it was my responsibility to have my belongings with me. I don't even know why he called me, except to belittle me for losing my book. Seven minutes later, I receive another phone call. They have my textbook and it was in the housekeeper's office and had not been logged so they couldn't have known they had it. Overall, a very frustrating situation and I will not be returning to this hotel for any reason, business or pleasure.

  • Sean Lavery

    Sean Lavery


    Just visiting a family member who would come in to Winnipeg. Very clean lobby nice rooms hands very nice to be in a location that isn't around the airport. Residential setting makes it very relaxing.

Lodging la plus proche

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