HLS Linen Services de Ottawa

CanadaHLS Linen Services


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

45, Gurdwara Road, K2E 7X6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-842-3000
site web: www.hlslinenservices.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.340141, Longitude: -75.7041149

commentaires 5

  • Ishan Chaudhari

    Ishan Chaudhari


  • Saif Qadd

    Saif Qadd


    This place is like the Holocaust Nazi Germany. I would rather be put into a gas chamber and not work here. Right here they treat people like slaves, I have never seen a work place like that. Very filthy management that doesn't care about no one. Everyone hates everyone. Very dirty environment, there is a risk of catching a virus from the dirty linens. I worked here for 6 months , it felt like 6 years, I was desperate for a job but i learned my lesson, never again.

  • marie jose Lucien

    marie jose Lucien


  • Dave Wright

    Dave Wright


    Nothing quite like being woken up at 4:30am because a HLS truck decides that it's the perfect time to park between two hotels and leave the engine running for 45 minutes along with all the extremely loud banging from doing their linen delivery. Very considerate.

  • Jay Win

    Jay Win


    Went for a interview for a driver position went on a road test too told me i was hired I called the next week for a schedule because they never got back was told by christine piette that it was part time on call and it goes by who's first on the list and work they way down " then why tell me your going to call me with the schedule" she told me to look for another job in the mean time who does that to people???🐵🐵🐵

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