Hillcrest de Richmond Hill




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9350, Yonge Street, L4C 5G2, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-883-1400
site web: www.hillcrestmall.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.854895, Longitude: -79.4361982

commentaires 5

  • Michael Christopher

    Michael Christopher


    Its boring if your a man. Sporting life is basically the only store there for me. If I was a woman, I would still be bored. The store selection sucks (how many shoes stores do you need in one mall?) Ummm turn into a big go kart track. Ya much better

  • Eagle Dan

    Eagle Dan


    Part of the mall is under renovation. Has some detour in the parking lot. Followup on the initial review. The owner of the mall responded to my initial comment and I think that's a world class thing, listens to customers, and deserves the fifth star on rating. Two thumbs up! Looking forward to seeing the new Hillcrest mall!

  • Brandon Bell

    Brandon Bell


    5-stars for your basic shopping needs. If you're planning a trip, book an appointment with CBS to donate some blood. Give life! Its awesome to have a steady clinic here, it's very convenient and post donation strolls are never a bad idea in my books!

  • en

    Brian Lee


    I don’t mind Hillcrest too much. However, I can’t help but wonder how a mall in such a prestigious location (in the heart of Richmond Hill) largely lacks a majority of the consumer brands. Yorkdale is where most of my shopping is done. I come to Hillcrest when there’s some minor things needed here or there. On the plus side, it’s clean, never too busy (maybe not a great thing) and has ample amounts of parking. I think a review and new approach to the types of stores inside this mall would go a long way.

  • Joseph Aron

    Joseph Aron


    The Mall came a long way from what they used to be. They invested and an extensive renovation and it looks really nice now. They also expanded the stores in there which I can say that if you have not been there in a while you will more than likely be pleasantly surprised. I find this small to be somewhat unique, as it's the only one that doesn't have a second floor. They do have a second-floor for some offices, but they don't have any stores on a second level like most other malls do. They have a Sporting Life store there which is really nice and has all the latest collections there.

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