Hi-Tech Gametraders de Saskatoon

CanadaHi-Tech Gametraders



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4 1115 Grosvenor Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7H 4G2, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-373-2424
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1141428, Longitude: -106.6256481

commentaires 5

  • Jeremy Johnson

    Jeremy Johnson


    Decent place for pre-owned games

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    Evan Hameluck


    Game I bought had a crack all the way through it, was basically told to try and work something out with the employee working that shift as the store wasn't going to help me at all

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    Kyla George


    The asian guy who was working at the time was not friendly when i went to buy skyrim. I was excited for my new game but he acted like he couldnt wait for me to leave. Maybe it is because im first nations. I also had my son with me and i didnt appriciate being treated with such disinterest as a paying customer in front of my son. My experience was disrespectful and next time i will not be spending money there.

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    James Pasternak


    I bought a ps4 slim not knowing what the difference was compared to a ps4 pro. I have now purchased a ps4 pro from hi-tech and the knowledgeable staff and service was excellent.

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    Davison Xxx


    The service here is terrible. I currently live in british columbia and have never been to the store. My blind autistic friend , who is also deaf.Told me all about the service and how he was treated poorly. This is 2017 why are people so judgemental!!!??

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