Hertz en Toronto




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20, Bloor Street East, M4W 3H7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contactos teléfono: +1 416-961-3320
sitio web: www.hertz.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.6709978, Longitude: -79.3844894

comentarios 5

  • Pierre Jandot-Pers

    Pierre Jandot-Pers


    Just DON'T use this agency... It is located far inside a mall where a car cannot be returned... You have to park as you can (give a try at Toronto with busy traffic!) go by foot inside the mall, find the tiny agency, to be provided the address of a parking a block away where to return the car. UNACCEPTABLE. Should be informed from the start where to return the car.

  • en

    Philippe Losego


    Can you believe that I came to rent a car and the employee told me to go back to my home and register online "because your date is during holiday" ? If you care about your job, you got a client (by the way, the shop was empty) then try to make him rent and pay immediately ! Of course I went to another company !

  • Adeline hu

    Adeline hu


    Never gonna use hertz again, bad altitude and rude. I return my car at the exact date and time, but just because it is a holiday and nobody work on that day, I was charged 200 cad for returning the car late(which I didn't). And customs service told me this is Hertz's policy for holiday returns. I was using enterprice before, and they never have this kind of policy. I am Very frustrated and hope nobody ever face the same problem again.

  • Lucas Avila

    Lucas Avila


    I had a terrible experience. Almost all workers is so rude. When I came to pick my car my credit card, which is made with chip, was not working on swype. The first guy told me there's nothing to do. After 3 hours I came again and asked for another guy just type the information of my credit card inside the system. For my surprise its worked. I lost 3 hours of my day.

  • Ron Greenberg

    Ron Greenberg


    Hertz has been dropping the ball recently, particularly at this location. Service is mediocre at best, with some employees being rude and patronizing. Vehicles were good every time I rented here. The only reason I rent here is because they're slightly cheaper than their competition, but you get what you pay for.

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