Henry's Cafe, Gallery, Clothing & Gift Boutique de Regina

CanadaHenry's Cafe, Gallery, Clothing & Gift Boutique



🕗 horaire

2320, 14 Avenue, S4P 0Y1, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-791-7889
site web: www.henrysonline.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4440773, Longitude: -104.6145401

commentaires 5

  • en

    foster martin


    Meal was very good. You do need more gluten free options.

  • Karen Moore

    Karen Moore


    Great food! Best lobster bisque soup ever!

  • David Sutherland

    David Sutherland


    Henry's Cafe is an iconic older cafe in Regina which has a good lunch menu that I've really enjoyed from time to time. There's an art gallery attached to it for those who are interested in viewing art. No dinner options available though.

  • Lorena Sawchyn

    Lorena Sawchyn


    My favourite lunch time cafe and gift shop. Always have one of the Quiche Lunch Specials with salad and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Key Lime pie for dessert.

  • Mike Clory

    Mike Clory


    Food was alright. Service was alright. Food is expensive for what it is Cinnamon buns are $6 each... And they are just standard bakery sticky buns, not even fresh. I think that if they are going to charge high prices they should work on their delivery. Get some comfy chairs too, not armless conference chairs.

Café la plus proche

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