Hastings Racecourse de Vancouver

CanadaHastings Racecourse



🕗 horaire

188, North Renfrew Street, V5K 3N8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 604-254-1631
site web: www.hastingsracecourse.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2852086, Longitude: -123.0401326

commentaires 5

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    Reiko Parker


    I always enjoy going here, whether I win or lose. I got $50 in free play for their 88's machine. I went with my husband and it wound up we both won a few $. I used to go here all the time to watch the races, then go play a little. The races are always exciting.

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    Rob Man


    Its a quiet casino, friendly staff. Its even a better place when you win $$$

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    Randall Jr Labak


    We have been here for father days for the last three years. Get the buffet and have a beer. Relax while the horses run wild. Our family comes with us and makes the day amazing. When the sun is out it is great to watch the races from below and have a beer. We have found that our kids love to see the horses before they race.

  • Alen Najafi

    Alen Najafi


    Fun place to visit on weekends during the racing season. Beautifully bred horses blaze down the track for first place. Not only you can bid, you can also enjoy the amazing food and scenery!

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    April de Almeida


    Had a blast. Lost all of my money. But my son won over $120.00. Spent over an hour and a half, just playing games.

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