Harbord Insurance Services - Fairfield i Victoria

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CanadaHarbord Insurance Services - Fairfield



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1594, Fairfield Road, V8S 1G1, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-388-5533
internet side: www.harbordinsurance.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.4125479, Longitude: -123.3376581

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dan Norman


    The customer service level is very high at this location. I had an excellent visit recently with regards to getting car insurance. Super pleasant and helpful! Highly recommend them for any insurance needs.

  • en

    Shawn Loglisci


    I sold my Car this past weekend to a nice young man and it just so happened to be the first time I had sold a car. The Insurance Broker Tina Judge that helped me out was very kind and very knowledgeable. She answered all of my questions and even helped me out filling out the transfer papers, as I had never filled them out before. She lent me their tools so I could take my plates off and put the new owners on. I was very impressed with their services and helpfulness. I live in the neighbor hood and I will go to them for all of my insurance needs in the future. I encourage you to as well. I had a great experience and I will do business with them in the future 100%

  • LA Ed

    LA Ed


    Harbord Insurance Fairfield Staff have always gone "Above and Beyond" to assist me with my Auto Plan options, especially with ICBC making changes constantly. The Staff are all very knowledgeable and patient with my many questions. I never have to wait more than a couple of minutes in their comfortable chairs for service as they always have sufficient staff on hand. My only gripe with the company (Not the Staff) is with their Customer Service phone system. It is very annoying and seems behind the times. The sound quality is poor and the tone annoying. I'm sure they could do better.

  • Robin Jones

    Robin Jones


    When I went to renew my car insurance this year I was delighted with the attention that the clerk showed me. We chatted easily. He gave me a few little ideas that were both helpful and beneficial. Thank you for your prompt and courteous attention. I will be sure to renew with you again next year. Robin Jones

  • en

    General Manager


    I was at your Fairfield location several times this past week and I just wanted to let you know that I had amazing service from all of your staff! I had an unusual situation and they were able to help me sort it out and provide me with great service and advice. Your staff are very knowledgeable. Many thanks to Daniel ( I think that's his name) this past Saturday - he went over and above to help me change my coverage and then issue me new licence plates. He removed my old plates and put the new ones on my vehicle! I was very grateful for his help. Thanks so much. I will definitely continue to use Harbord Insurance for my insurance needs.

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