Hanlan's Point Ferry Dock de Toronto

CanadaHanlan's Point Ferry Dock


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Centre Island, Toronto, ON M5V 1A1, Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6278749, Longitude: -79.3889558

commentaires 5

  • Reza Sadreddin

    Reza Sadreddin


    Very crowded at weekends but peaceful and beautiful.

  • Jordon Thompson

    Jordon Thompson


    Great views of the Six from here! The ferry ride over is quite nice especially on a warmer summer day. Love this city !

  • Russell D'SOUZA

    Russell D'SOUZA


    The place where you go and meditate and get peace. Love the festival which happens there every year

  • Wotan TorontoStreetcars

    Wotan TorontoStreetcars


    Hanlan's Point ferry dock is only good if you are planning on going cycling or staying in the immediate area. They used to have a free shuttle (then a paid shuttle) over to Centre Island but this seems to have stopped years ago now. The other two docks are better in my opinion.

  • Thomas Bichler

    Thomas Bichler


    The island is very nice and calm. You've got a gorgeous view on the skyline of Toronto from here. Ferry can be crowded and especially in the evening the all people want to get back to the city you probably have to wait some time. But it's worth it. There is also a "clothes-optional beach" at the island.

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