Hanabi Japanese Cuisine de Ottawa

CanadaHanabi Japanese Cuisine



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434, Bank Street, K2P 1Y8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-695-8880
site web: www.hanabicuisine.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4121956, Longitude: -75.6939181

commentaires 5

  • Edith Chartier

    Edith Chartier


    Fantastic little restaurant with delicious authentic Japanese cuisine. A nice selection of items, with some delicious familiar options. Friendly staff. Nice cosy environment. A must-try.

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    John Koh


    There's only a small selection of ramen but the broth is fantastic. Get it spicy and ask for seconds of the pickled radish. Bento boxes and sushi rolls are also good options.

  • Gabriel Major-Marothy

    Gabriel Major-Marothy


    I went to eat here the week it opened and the staff was disorganized... however I am glad I went back as they have definitely improved. Agedashi tofu is a fairly large serving with nice flavour and the tempura had good texture. Classic tonkotsu ramen has bamboo, mushroom and corn. Fairly large bowl. I find the broth lacks some depth. Prices are reasonable.

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    Joshua Balanuik


    Wonderful atmosphere, friendly staff and delicious food - even if you don't like sushi, like myself, there are lots of options. Generous portion sizes and excellent dessert as well. I was surprised to see it so empty in spite of its quality and location.

  • Daniel Burgess

    Daniel Burgess


    Exceptional service on top of the great food at a fair price? Whats the catch? And that's the thing, there is no catch! More than satisfactory and quite frankly, a breath of fresh air. 10/10 would recommend to anyone a fan of Asian cuisine. I was served by a nice young man named Paul who recommended the shrimp tempura. Phenomenal dish and a phenomenal service experience. Thanks Paul and the owners of this restaurant. My area really needed an above-par sushi place.

Restaurant la plus proche

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