Guv'nor Inn de St. John's

CanadaGuv'nor Inn


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389, Elizabeth Avenue, A1B 1V1, St. John's, Division No. 1, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 709-726-0092
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.5651, Longitude: -52.73766

commentaires 5

  • James Stenson

    James Stenson


    Great atmosphere and awesome service. One of my favourite places for afternoon "breakfast". Their toutons are the best!

  • colin noseworthy

    colin noseworthy


    The food was great but the service was a little slow, though it was getting busy so it's understandable

  • en

    Paul Snyder


    Great place. In house restaraunt and pub. Beds are awesome and rooms are clean. Would defiantly return.

  • John-Paul Murphy

    John-Paul Murphy


    Food was good. Service great. Little vegetarian or vegan options. Expensive tap beer.

  • Candice Tysick

    Candice Tysick


    The staff at the bar / restaurant are always pleasant and friendly to talk to. Many have recognized me and my fiance as regulars. The food is usually good but burgers can be dry sometimes and some food seems frozen or rushed. Overall a great place for dinner and drinks

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