Guest House Intl de Winnipeg

CanadaGuest House Intl


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168, Maryland Street, R3G 1L3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-772-1272
site web:
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Latitude: 49.8836114, Longitude: -97.1611801

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sarah Smith


    Do not stay here. Aggressive host. BED BUGS! Bill, the host who lives upstairs with full access to the entire building, was lewd with some of the female 14 year old youth I was travelling with. He was racist towards the people of colour I was there with (for example, demanded to know where they were from. When one shared she was born in Canada he said he didn't believe her and demanded to know where she was born). He was drunk on our second night (slurring and mixing up words, walking unsteadily, and smelled of liquor) and became aggressive with the adults and youth in our group (it all started when he came into the common space where some of us were watching tv and playing cards and angrily said "who the hell are you people" and then demanded we turn off the tv and answer his questions because we were "staying in his home"). He became increasingly aggressive when one of the leaders asked him to calm down and not talk to the youth this way. Our entire group of 16 youth and 3 adults locked ourselves in a bedroom while we sorted out what to do. He sat outside the room and would not leave, stating that he wanted to look each of us in the eye. Late in the evening we were able to find a hotel that could accommodate us. When he realized we were leaving he began screaming at the 3 young female staff, demanding they come out of their room and face him and stating it was their fault we were leaving (they had been in bed the entire time before this). They also packed up and left due to his state, even though they were volunteer workers from Europe and had nowhere else to go. Shortly after leaving we found a bed bug on one of our jackets. One youth had some bed bug bites after sleeping there the first night. The hostel was very dirty and uncomfortable, even before the host was inappropriate and aggressive. I hope he gets the support he needs, but I would not recommend anyone stay here.

  • Nancy Janelle

    Nancy Janelle


    We recently encountered a serious safety concern while staying at the Guest House International (Backpackers Winnipeg). While a group of high school exchange students were staying at the hostel, the manager/owner, became extremely intoxicated. He was belligerent, lewd, yelling, very angry, inappropriate and being subtlety racist. As a result of the students' feeling increasingly unsafe as his inappropriate behaviour escalated as the evening wore on, we were forced to relocate to new accommodations in the middle of the night. The three foreign workers working there (young female backpackers from Europe) left at the same time as our students as they were also feeling unsafe.

  • L Hunt

    L Hunt


    Great customer service. Cozy. Your lucky if you stay here

  • Christian Kegel

    Christian Kegel


    Dirty hostel in a dodgy area. I can not recommend this hostel. I had bedbugs after my first night there, the staff recommendet to park my car in an fenced area behind the hostel because there where some thefts in the last couple of days. Even the Tim Hortons close by had a security service. You could only use one of three bathrooms properly, the two bathrooms in the basement where not suited for proper use. There where no lockers for your belongings and you had no keys for the dorm. The front door was only locked at night. Sad thing is that this hostel is the only real option in Winnipeg.

  • fr

    Raphaël Pelletier


    Mon séjour à l'auberge Guest House International fût fort agréable! En fait, le personnel était si accueillant que j'ai pu, sans l'ombre d'un problème, y séjourner quelques nuits supplémentaires (à la suite d'un problème technique décelé sur ma moto, qui se trouvait à être mon seul et unique moyen de transport). Les tarifs sont très abordables et la résidence est bien aménagée. Je vous recommande fortement l'endroit!

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