GUESS Factory de Calgary

CanadaGUESS Factory



🕗 horaire

5466, Signal Hill Centre Southwest, T3H 3P8, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 403-240-2691
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0216531, Longitude: -114.1670901

commentaires 5

  • Missy A

    Missy A


    I’m a regular customer here but don’t think I will be anymore. Customer service here sucks. There was promotions going on and the associate put the wrong sign above the item I wanted to purchase ,so I asked for the discount and she told me she wasn’t allowed to honour it. Clearly it was a mistake and I helped her correct it ahead of time. Before she got more customers asking for the discount as well. Finally I asked to speak to a manager whom also didn’t feel impressed by helping out. The attitude at this location needs to change. Girls need to smile more and be more polite. Prices here are ridiculously too expensive sometimes and the only time customers shop is when there’s good promotions going on so when you make a mistake and accidentally put the wrong signs up. It’s not the customers fault. Being professional would be nice ladies!

  • I K

    I K


    I used to shop here a lot for sandals and the girls were really nice and helpful. I went in tonight and the two girls working the till were trying to sell me a damaged wallet with black scuff marks on it at full price saying "there is nothing there" instead of acknowledging: "it's scuffed, but who cares." Neither of them were polished in their appearances, which apparently translates to their selling standards.

  • Theresa Appleton

    Theresa Appleton


  • Teena C

    Teena C


    I always find something on sale here when I go. The clothing and handbags are very reasonably priced and the quality is excellent. The staff are friendly and helpful and the store is well laid out. I really like shopping here..

  • dylan starcheif

    dylan starcheif


    when I entered the store their employees started to watch me there were like about 7 employees there and they started to follow me everywhere I went seriously I'm just trying to shop I hate how Calgary racist to native Americans

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