groupe sutton – immobilia de Montréal

Canadagroupe sutton – immobilia


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

793, Avenue du Mont-Royal Est, H2J 1W8, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-529-1010
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5260167, Longitude: -73.5813549

commentaires 5

  • Johanne Raynault

    Johanne Raynault


    Très bon service de l'agent immobilier. Par contre, le bon que j'ai reçu de l'agence pour une pizza chez Domino en guise de cadeau de remerciement du client est très cheap!

  • Alan Dunne

    Alan Dunne


    I worked with agent Francois Chicoine when I moved to Montreal and needed to find a condo quickly. Francois always did good homework to ensure the places to view were meeting my somewhat challenging constraints. When I finally chose a place with good potential, Francois guided me and my wife through the complex, and seemingly never ending amount of paperwork and appointments (mortgage, home inspection, notary, etc) and was always present for key meetings with those support services. Not only did Francois perform his tasks efficiently and effectively, he was fun to spend time with in what is a stressful situation.

  • Shrage Muller

    Shrage Muller


    From all the real estate agents I dealt with I can say that this one was literally the worst! Very difficult to reach and communicate and lied without a problem!

  • Af P

    Af P


    Not a good service

  • Annie Perreault

    Annie Perreault


Agence immobilière la plus proche

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