Graham Convenience Store de Winnipeg

CanadaGraham Convenience Store



🕗 horaire

438, Graham Avenue, R3C 0L8, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8905539, Longitude: -97.1489762

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alice Nickmann


    I get my bus tickets here, but since almost a month they didn't have any so when I asked for change they said I have to buy something so they can open the cash register. This happened numerous times, and since I was in a rush I didn't think about it too much. The other day when the owner was there he opened the cash register without me having to purchase anything, the other staff deny this and keep on telling everyone to buy something first. Such a rip off. Also 2 packs of chips for $9.70?? No prices labeled anywhere. I don't recommend this place...

  • Claire Mousseau

    Claire Mousseau


    Guy charges 2.25 for a small bag of chips that would go for .99 somewhere else. I'll never go there again and definitely recommend friends not to go there. -angry and poor student

  • en

    Lorne L


    Friendly staff

  • Ranee Green

    Ranee Green


    Either the clerk cannot calculate prices, or he ripped me off.

  • Dade Williams

    Dade Williams


    Great shop, awesome and friendly staff

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