Gorge Road Co-op Gas Centre de Victoria

CanadaGorge Road Co-op Gas Centre



🕗 horaire

628 Gorge Rd. E, Victoria, BC V8N 1A1, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-383-6423
site web: www.peninsulaco-op.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4392976, Longitude: -123.369238

commentaires 5

  • Troy Latimer

    Troy Latimer


    Their so called full service is anything but. I had to run my truck twice and they still couldn’t get it right. The tire shine is non- existent.

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    Anna V


    Love that rebate!

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    Jessica Reaume


    I went to the coop this morning on gorge st (Jan 1st 2017) and I received the most genuinely amazing service from a young man named Dwight!!! Thanks for brightening my morning.

  • Donald St. Germain

    Donald St. Germain


    I can't say enough great things about Co-op Gas, their community support, their super friendly staff... I actually look forward to getting gas when I visit these guys. This is a company others should strive to duplicate because they are doing everything right.

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    Josh Hylden


    Awesome every time. Super friendly.

Station essence la plus proche

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