Gord’s No Frills i Saskatoon

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CanadaGord’s No Frills



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1018, Taylor Street East, S7H 1W5, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 866-987-6453
internet side: www.nofrills.ca
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Latitude: 52.1066408, Longitude: -106.6452671

kommentar 5

  • en

    TheReal Elle


    It's pretty good for a small grocery store. It has the basic merchandise one would need for a quick shopping trip. Most of the time the staff are friendly. Oh, and it's about time the east side finally has one. One flaw, they don't always have the products in stock or out that's posted in the flyer.

  • en

    Glen Criddle


    Rarely any shopping baskets by the door. Maybe hire someone to do it. Produce section is usually pretty empty and what's the is very wilted. I hate old Mill bread but that's just about all they have there. Soft drink selection is very poor especially if you drink diet pop. I usually drive the extra 20 blocks to shop at Safeway.

  • Azeem Qureshi

    Azeem Qureshi


    OK Quality. Vegetables are note fresh it can be my personal experience. They do not accept VISA cards. Good for those who want great range of products in small area to minimise walking.

  • Starcastle 11

    Starcastle 11


    If you don't love the new wave of grocery stores à la sobeys, and are only looking for simple foods, this place will save you so much time. Straight aisles that are clearly labelled. Not great if you want lots of variety though. I personally loved it for my basic bread, milk, etc. type shopping run.

  • Greg Abramoff

    Greg Abramoff


    Your little neighborhood grocery store. Definitely way better than the old extra foods! It doesn't have full selection of brands on items, but they have all the necessities. It seemed to have pretty good prices on everything. They even upped their produce, it was a good quality.

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