Glass Doctor of North Winnipeg i Winnipeg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaGlass Doctor of North Winnipeg



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1535, Main Street, R2W 3W3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 204-589-4341
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.928807, Longitude: -97.1230467

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lynn Richard


    Quick service, very friendly and helpful. I would use their services again.

  • James Doerksen

    James Doerksen


    I used to occasionally use Kamrose Window and Door for my glass and screen repair needs. I just hired them (now called Glass Doctor of North Winnipeg) to do a whole house window and door package and I could not be happier. Great price, fantastic service. I found them friendly and very easy to work with. Their window installers were the best I have seen,

  • en

    Tim Nanassy


    Quick....professional and outstanding service!!!!!!

  • en

    Rob Lentowich


    They came on time, did what needed to be done and did a good job. It was a smaller job but they took it seriously and were very professional.

  • Marvin Janzen

    Marvin Janzen


    Very helpful and good prices but a little slow on the completed product even for something as simple as cutting a couple sheets of glass.

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