Georgian College de Barrie

CanadaGeorgian College


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1, Georgian Drive, L4M 3X9, Barrie, Simcoe County, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-728-1968
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 44.4119595, Longitude: -79.6690531

commentaires 5

  • en

    gagandeep kaur


    Excellent option for career focused students. College faculty is always ready to help needy students in whatever way they can. Student support services are really praiseworthy.

  • Darya Begma

    Darya Begma


    Currently I am GC student. So far I am very happy!

  • Moses stanworth

    Moses stanworth


    A college course in Homeopathy? I can't believe I have just read this in the news. There have been several cases in which infants have either become more severely ill or have died due to the gross negligence of parents employing "alternative medicine". There is absolutely zero scientific basis for the effectiveness of homeopathy. Practioners are not only con artists who prey on the ignorant for money but they are also literally worsening the health of others. The reason we have advanced so far as a collective is because of humankinds rigorous dedication to science not only is it a slap in the face to our sole reason for an advancement as species but also to include it is to condone and enable the suffering and death of children and the exploitation of the vulnerable.

  • Bob Smith

    Bob Smith


    Lunatics who think homeopathy is real (it is not, it is garbage science)

  • Andrew Skujins

    Andrew Skujins


    Agressively anti-science. Shut this joke down. Homeopathy is beyond pathetic.

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