Gastown Medicinals de Vancouver

CanadaGastown Medicinals



🕗 horaire

306, Carrall Street, V6B 2J3, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-428-0679
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2820708, Longitude: -123.1042908

commentaires 5

  • en

    Harold Potter


    EDIT: I have since interacted with a different employee, who immediately apologised, and exchanged the faulty product. I am very satisfied with the customer service I received and havr changed my review to 5 stars I purchased 2 packets of sealed phyto shatter. Both had been stored improperly as when i opened them the product was a melted mess. The employee I showed this to said the owner wanted it sold cheap, fast and there would be no refunds. I asked to escalate my complaint, and was point blank told no refunds, even for faulty product.

  • Ðave LeBlanc

    Ðave LeBlanc


    I'm easy going, love the B.O.B. thanks for the Thurs. $1 a gram deal. Bless :)

  • en

    Dale Van Tassel


    Thanks guys you made the flight bearable lots of selection in a little place well worth the stop

  • en

    Lana E


    First time there was yesterday ... second time there was today .. the BEST service and product ! Seriously . Not always the best parking but well worth driving around the block a few times or parking a block away . Making this my go to stop . â˜ș

  • Mark Botley

    Mark Botley


    sooooooooooooooooooooooooo very very good hours are awesome and the herb is top quality 5 out of 5.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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